Saturday, May 30, 2009


I love snowpeas. Especially fresh from the garden, and eating a few while picking is not cheating.... it's experiencing. Lately, I've been playing with a dish featuring the green veggie du jour: I start steaming chopped onion, after a little while I add diced potato and then, after another little while the green veggie. I add a dash of cayenne for zip, and pepper just because, and then, when the veggie is just Chinesed* I put it in a bowl, add olive oil and stir.
Gardening is great!

*A term I picked up from somewhere that describes the way veggies are cooked in Chinese style; just past raw when the texture and flavor is changed, but the life is not cooked out of them.

1 comment:

  1. At our house we measure vegetable cooking geographically. California being barely cooked and the farther east you go to more done. Snow peas should be on Highway 101. The broccoli tonight was at the Nevada border. If you space out and walk away too long the vegetable is on the wrong side of St Louis.
